
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

VMWare guest OS :- memory access violation error

Vmware guest gives an error while booting when the RAM allocated for guest is more and shared between guest and host.

Also while increasing the RAM VMware workstation gives a warning that the ram will be shared and performance may vary.

If you ignore this and still boot the guest machine,  once booted it will throw an error as access right violation and powersdown the virtual machine.

To avoid this, I added the following two lines into .VMX file.

sched.mem.pshare.enable = "FALSE"

Now the guest is booted and working fine.

Backdating VMWare guest system

with vmware workstation, the guest Machine always takes the time from host.

In cases where you want to backdate the guest, and host should have the correct time and date settings,

one can try the following settings in .VMX file.

tools.syncTime = 0
time.synchronize.continue = 0
time.synchronize.restore = 0
time.synchronize.resume.disk = 0
time.synchronize.shrink = 0 = 0

and if the guest is rebooted then also the backdated settings will remain.